Cosmic Guidance
Higher Soul Guided Solutions
The purpose of a cosmic guided consultation/session is to help you find solutions and practical applications of tools and resources for daily life. In alignment with higher sacred guidance and new perspectives , we are tapping into the tapestry and tools of the Universe to identify blocks, trauma, belief system and root cause of imbalance. achieve a higher level of consciousness, balance karma, and dissolve limiting beliefs and programing. We provide a unique perspective to your human experience and facilitate the healing process. Our intention is to bridge your connection to Higher Knowing, your Divine Self and Sacred Oneness.
Balance Karma
Ancient Knowledge
Heavenly Perspectives
"The time is now, awaken to your true nature and origin, remember lessons learned, embrace ancient knowledge, teachings, and be the new being of the future."
- Maria Magdalena
One hour Consult/Guidance Session: $154 per person
Consults, guidance sessions or events are conducted in person, by phone or zoom.
Contact our office to schedule your session after you have completed the exchange requirements.
No Refunds for missed appointments.
Maria Magdalena
Cosmic Guide,
Healer & Teacher
Hi!! I am Maria Magdalena, a cosmic guide, healer and teacher. My past lives or incarnations as a Healer, Mystery School Teacher, Oracle and High Priestess are helping to shape the next chapter of my human experience and those who search for truth, wisdom and desire to expand their level of awareness and consciousness.
In 2023, I received higher guidance regarding my role and purpose and what that meant for the people of Earth. My assignment involved translating cosmic higher knowing information and provide a new perspective in a way that would transcend borders and reach all who search to embody a higher state of consciousness. I was to facilitate and be the rainbow bridge for those on the path to enlightenment and spiritual evolution. I was also guided to facilitate healing on many levels, via the guidance of my Higher Self, The Mary Magdalene Collective and The Master Teacher Healers.
"Know we are all part of the greater whole and yet we all have a very unique Energetic Signature and Soul Blueprint. This makes every single creation and co-creator special, equally valued and loved. We are serving a purpose and contributing to the collective whole."
- Maria Magdalena
The timeline of events provided below illustrates how my guidance system, intuition and various tools and resources helped me remember who I am. This serves to validate my continued remembering and knowing. I am able to connect and identify truth in the consistent patterns of guidance and information. I encourage everyone to search for their truth and use various sources.
2004: Maria is guided to receive Reiki Practitioner attunement and Fitness and Nutrition Certification. Maria helps her mother recover from autoimmune hepatitis. She spends the next 10 years researching, studying, and practicing Reiki on family and friends.
2013: Maria is guided to attend a spiritual trip to Peru. There, she remembers her Shamanic past life experiences, connects with ancestral lineage, participates in shamanic ceremonies, connects with Oracle timeline and receives spiritual guidance.
2014: Maria is guided to expand her Reiki training and receives the Reiki Master-Teacher attunement. Feb., 2014, Maria visits and connects with the energy of Sedona Arizona and Mexican Mayan culture.
2015: Maria is guided to receive Akashic Records Certification and expands her holistic practice (UniverSoul Connection). Feb. 2015 Maria has a QHHT session by Jewel Leonard (Conscious Knowing). During the session she visited a past life with her role as Ancient Knowledge Teacher, she visits a Sacred Temple and sits with the Masters. Receives higher guidance in dreams and visions.
Guiding groups of people to ascend (up the latter).
Assisting people to cross the rainbow bridge.
Various guides appeared to include a Feline Race, Mother Mary, Native American, African (Queen) and European Guides.
Remembers she had the ability to see future events as a child.
2016: Maria is guided to receive a Spirit Guide reading from Christine & Tatiana Gilmore
Brief Summary:
Native American Guide (Dove Tail - Peace Keeper): "Your gentle guidance will help put people on their proper life path, offer them assurance and attune and raise their own energy so that they are vibrating on a higher level. Rest assured I am here to help you with this, and you need but call on me for my help and guidance at anytime."
Female guide with blonde wavy hair, green blue eyes and very nymph-like features. I see the name Magdalene, this is either her name or it is of importance to you on a spiritual level. Here is the message from this guide. " I am excited for the chance to speak and am eager for future communication between the two of us. I have been reaching out to you, sending signs and whispering in your ear. I will gladly communicate through the pendulum or meditation. Meditation is important to you right now. Making still and calming your mind. You must make sure you stay centered and open to receiving signs and messages."
2019: Maria is guided to receive a Natal Chart Consultation from Jenny Burak (Astrology for Ascencion).
Brief Summary:
Alignment with the Central Sun
North Node is with Mary Magdalene
Connection with Isis Energy
Going in and out of timelines - Akashic Records, Higher Consciousness
Vesta, High Priestess Energy
July 2020: Maria is guided to receive an Illustration and Information from Artist and Visionary Christine Dennett (Kesara).
Brief Summary:
You're illuminating the way for those who are blinded or needing guidance. Also, space is another body that you transmute.
So, on a higher level you are also a teacher and healer. Your life path is very amazing. You have the love of the Divine Universe working through you. It is shining in your eyes.
You come from a long line of humans that have been doing the work that you do for eons of time.
Your dreams are not dreams. They are the other aspects of your multi-dimensional beings.
The Holy Spirit that I see behind you is you. It is your Soul Source that you have partitioned your Human Body from. You are still very much connected to your Soul Source on a Divine and Light Level.
Your roll in the Illuminarius is to make purity. Purify what construct matrix need it.
Feb 2022: Maria is introduced to The Rasha Advanced Quantum-Plasma Technology.
May 2022: Maria is introduced to the Energy Enhancement System Advanced Technology.
June 2023: Maria is guided to have a QHHT by Anthony Camacho (
Brief Summary: Went to a past life and connected with deceased husband and witness the role exchange we all take part in. Next, connected with The Masters and Mystery School Teachers. Message: Continue to communicate with others, you speak from the heart. The Peru experience reminded you of your past roles and abilities. You know who you are.
Dec 2023: Maria receives an Aura reading from Psychic-Medium.
Summary: Archangel Michael is supporting you. You are here to help people because you are intuitive, you are open to receive guidance and are spiritually connected. You teach and give people what they need. You speak from the heart. Dec 2023, Astrology Chart reading from Astrologer, Tania Solis at Sol in Astrology. Summary: You are very good at communicating with others. Very intuitive and balanced with the Male and Female energies.
Jan 2024: Maria is guided to connect to the Akashic Records via Amanda Romania (AtlantisSedona)
Brief Summary:
You serve on the Cosmic Karmic Board and have the ability to ask for Dispensation on behalf of others. You are helping to balance karma on earth.
You are helping others activate their higher consciousness.
Past roles as High Priestess, Oracle and Alchemist.
You bring a heavenly perspective to earth. You have the support of the legion of Angels.
Strong connection with the Orion Constellation. You are able to see both light and dark (higher perspective).
You are bringing cosmic truth, wisdom, and a unique perspective to earth.
July 2024: Maria is guided to have her Akash read again to verify and confirm previous guidance.
Brief Summary:
You have chosen to incarnate on Earth to bring emotional and mental well-being through light knowledge. You have potential to heal brain patterns and cycles (even age-old). You can heal patterns that come from childhood, ancestors or past incarnations.
You are the powerful beacon of light in the midst of darkness, a manifestor and a chosen one to carve new paths for other Souls when they find themselves in a dead-end situation.